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cannabis infused drinks over alcohol

Cannabis Infused Drinks Over Alcoholic Beverages: Embracing a New Wave

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Cannabis Infused Drinks Over Alcoholic Beverages: Embracing a New Wave

In recent years, a growing number of people are rethinking their drink choices, steering away from traditional alcoholic options and leaning towards the rising trend of cannabis infused drinks. As attitudes towards both substances evolve, the shift towards cannabis infused beverages is happening as fast as ever. This article explores the reasons behind this emerging preference and the potential benefits of choosing cannabis infused drinks over alcoholic beverages.

Located off of 495 in Lowell, MA, Smyth Cannabis Co. is the top recreational dispensary serving Andover, Ayer, Billerica, Burlington, Chelmsford, Nashua, Dracut, Groton, Haverhill, Lawrence, Littleton, Lowell, North Andover, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Westford, Wilmington, Woburn and the surrounding towns. We carry a variety of different cannabis infused drinks from all your favorite local Massachusetts brands, plus more.


1. Health & Wellness

Choosing cannabis infused drinks over alcoholic beverages has a major motivation factor due to their impact on health and wellness. Unlike alcohol, which is known for seriously damaging the liver and other organs, people often associate weed with various health benefits. CBD, a natural compound found in weed, has been linked to reduced anxiety, improved sleep and pain relief, offering a more health-conscious alternative to alcohol.

2. Less Calories

Cannabis infused drinks might appeal more to those watching their calories. Generally, alcoholic beverages have a notorious reputation for high calorie content, leading to concerns about weight gain and other health issues. In contrast, you can craft cannabis drinks to be low in calories, providing a lighter alternative without giving up flavor or desired effects.

3. No More Hangovers

A major drawback of drinking alcohol is the potential for over-consuming, along with the following hangovers. In contrast, responsibly consumed cannabis infused drinks offer a more controlled and predictable experience. Users often report feeling more relaxed and euphoric without the daze and discomfort that alcohol hangovers can bring.

4. A Better Experience

Additionally, choosing cannabis infused drinks over alcohol can also enhance social experiences. Without the aggressive behavior associated with alcohol, users might find a more positive vibe and an overall bubblier social environment. Cannabis drinks provide an alternative that boosts relaxation and creativity without the same negative impacts on social interactions.

5. Variety of Cannabis Infused Drink Options

Creativity in the cannabis industry has seen a huge boost when it comes to drink options. From sparkling water to tea and mocktails, the range of infused drinks available allows consumers to explore a wide array of flavors and effects. They are a great option for those seeking an experience customized to their own preferences, something traditional alcoholic beverages might not provide.

Conclusion Cannabis Infused Drinks

In conclusion, opting for cannabis-infused drinks over traditional alcoholic beverages reflects a changing attitude towards weed where health, reduced intoxication and a many other factors are considered. As more people embrace this trend, it opens the door to a new era of social consumption — one centered around well-being without sacrificing the enjoyment of a tastefully crafted drink.

Visit Smyth Cannabis Co. Today for Your Cannabis Infused Drinks & More!

Smyth Cannabis Co. is an adult-use dispensary that offers high quality flower, pre-rolls, edibles including infused drinks, and more. There’s something here for everyone – both new users and seasoned pros alike. We carry a rotating selection of our premium cannabis products, along with other products from your favorite local brands. Best of all, parking is available for free onsite.

Visit us today or check out our menu for a list of in-stock edibles and beverages.


It is important to note that the above information is for educational use only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Smyth Cannabis Co. does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the above information. Individual results will vary. All Smyth Cannabis Co. products are grown for recreational use and do not claim to possess any medical benefits. Smyth Cannabis Co. is a recreational-only dispensary and does not employe medical professionals. Consult your physician before using cannabis for any medical purpose.

cannabis edibles by Elsa Olofsson

Unlocking the Perfect Cannabis Edible Experience: A Personal Journey

By Products

Unlocking the Perfect Cannabis Edible Experience: A Personal Journey


Looking for a way to reap the benefits of cannabis without any harsh feelings on your throat or lungs? Cannabis edibles are a popular and discreet method for users seeking an alternative to smoking or vaping. These tasty treats offer a range of options, from gummies and chocolates to baked goods and beverages, providing a convenient and potent, smoke-free option. However, finding the right edible for you can be quite the journey.

To sum it up, testing the world of cannabis edibles takes a blend of patience, experimentation and understanding your body’s responses. Edibles contain varying amounts of THC, CBD and other cannabinoids, so new users should proceed with caution.

In this article, we’ll lay out the basics for you to consider when searching for the perfect cannabis edible for you.

Understanding the Basics

Before trying out any cannabis edible, it’s important to understand the basics that influence your experience:

  • Dosage & Potency: Edibles contain varying amounts of THC and CBD, which can affect their intensity and duration. Firstly, beginners are advised to start with a low dose (typically 5-10mg of THC) and gradually increase as they better understand their tolerance.
  • Body Chemistry: Individual differences in body chemistry play a role in how edibles affect each person. For example, factors such as weight, metabolism, and tolerance level can cause different experiences between two users. Additionally, the food in your stomach can also cause varying reactions and effects.
  • Timing & Onset: Unlike smoking where effects are felt almost instantly, edibles take longer to take effect. Onset times can vary from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on factors like whether or not you’ve eaten recently. As a result, fast-acting edibles are becoming more popular in the market.
Located off of 495 in Lowell, MA, Smyth Cannabis Co. is the top recreational dispensary serving Andover, Ayer, Billerica, Burlington, Chelmsford, Nashua, Dracut, Groton, Haverhill, Lawrence, Littleton, Lowell, North Andover, North Reading, Reading, Stoneham, Tewksbury, Tyngsborough, Wakefield, Westford, Wilmington, Woburn and the surrounding towns. We carry a variety of different cannabis edibles from all your favorite local Massachusetts brands, plus more.


Cannabis Edibles: Exploring the Options

The market offers an array of unique cannabis-infused edibles. Even picky eaters are bound to find one they enjoy. Here are some popular types:

Gummies & Chocolates

These bite-sized delights come in various flavors and doses, making them a favorite among beginners for both their convenience and precise dosing. In the same vein, they are available in a ton of different flavors and textures.

Baked Goods

From brownies and cookies to cakes and muffins, cannabis-infused baked goods offer nostalgia for those who prefer a more classic option.

Beverages Cannabis Edibles

Infused beverages, such as teas and sodas provide a more subtle and refreshing option. These are excellent for beginners, as slowly sipping on a beverage allows you to consume slower over a drawn out period of time. As a result, you can closely monitor your intake to control your dosage.

Tinctures & Oils

For super precise dosing, tinctures and oils are popular choices. They can be eaten on their own, added to food or drinks or dissolved under the tongue for faster onset.

Boston Magazine’s Ultimate Guide to Massachusetts’ Tastiest Cannabis Edibles


Personalizing Your Cannabis Edibles Journey

Finding the perfect cannabis edible involves some trial and error. Keeping these few tips in mind can make the process easier:

  1. Start Low and Go Slow: Most importantly, begin with a low dosage (5-10mg of THC) and allow enough time for the effects to kick in before taking more.
  2. Keep a Journal: Keeping track of the edibles you’ve tried and how they made you feel can help you find patterns and preferences.
  3. Consult with Experts: New users should seek advice from budtenders or other experts who are knowledgeable about weed.
  4. Consider Ratios: The ratio of THC to CBD can dramatically affect the experience. Moreover, experimenting with different ratios will allow you to find what works best for you.
  5. Be Mindful of Setting: Your environment and mood can impact your experience. In other words, always choose a comfortable and safe space for consumption.


In conclusion, finding the cannabis edible for you is an exciting journey, but one that takes patience and self-awareness. But remember, it’s not just about the destination but the journey itself that adds value to your experience.

Smyth Cannabis Co. prides itself on creating a welcoming space for all who walk through its doors. From the moment you step inside, you’ll be greeted by friendly and knowledgeable team members ready to help you find an edible that works for you. So whether you’re a seasoned pro or a first-time visitor, the team at Smyth Cannabis Co. always seeks to provide a comfortable experience.

Ready to move forward? Check out our menu to see what edibles are in-stock today. Our menu changes daily so check back tomorrow or contact us directly if you don’t see exactly what you’re looking for.


It is important to note that the above information is for educational use only and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Smyth Cannabis Co. does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the above information. Individual results will vary. All Smyth Cannabis Co. products are grown for recreational use and do not claim to possess any medical benefits. Smyth Cannabis Co. is a recreational-only dispensary and does not employe medical professionals. Consult your physician before using cannabis for any medical purpose.